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2019-09-14 以小蘇打(*1)+石竹萃取(*2)潔淨毛孔! 角質、粉刺與暗沉都一網打盡!

毛穴撫子 水潤去角質凝露 200ml

以小蘇打(*1)+石竹萃取(*2)潔淨毛孔! 角質、粉刺與暗沉都一網打盡!即使每天洗臉也還是存在,老廢角質與髒汙造成的黑頭‧暗沉‧粗糙就用去角質凝露吸附潔淨。小蘇打將使阻塞毛孔的老廢角質柔軟並使粉刺潔淨滑出!





KEANA Baking Soda Moist Peeling 

Baking soda (*2) + NADESHIKO extract (*3) No pores

Peeling gel that adheres to the skin and removes dead skin, keratin plugs, and dullness (*1)!

No more pores by baking soda (*2) and NADESHIKO extract (*3)! Removes issues even with face wash, such as blackheads, dullness, and roughness due to old dead skin and dirt, giving you a flower-like, beautiful appearance.

<iframe width="825" height="464" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/RuOsmBLIBLw" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

How to use “KEANA Baking Soda Moist Peeling”

Before face wash or after removing makeup, and after wiping your wet face, take moderate amount (3 to 5 pushes) and gently massage, avoiding the eyes and lips.
When the debris comes off, rinse adequately so there is none remaining.
There is no need to use facial cleanser after using “moist peel”. Please use it instead of facial cleanser.
Recommended usage: 2 to 3 times a week.

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