戴口罩時瞬間解決溶妝煩惱 , 簡單又快速修補凝膠, 攜帶方便 Eliminates make-up run in an instant! Quick and easy! Make-up touch-up gel New in the Poreless range! The make-up touch-up gel that eliminates make-up run in an instant! |
Ideal to stop make-up rubbing off when you’re wearing a mask!
瞬間解決溶妝,簡單又快速的修補凝膠! 在溶妝位直接點印,解決泛油和毛孔現形問題。.
☆ 修飾毛孔與不平整肌膚紋理 ☆ 含油脂吸附粉末,抑制油光
☆ 含美容成分保濕,毛孔緊緻 ☆ 呵護肌膚的成分,不含香料
[01]Pure Beige LimitedColors
A beige that blends in well with your skin, without a trace of powderiness.
…Do you have these problems when you remove your mask?…
Shine * Foundation fade * Visible pores
Now you can fight them off!
Before Faded...shiny...After Dealt with in an instant
Apply a small amount to your fingertip and pat it onover your make-up to areas of concern.
Don’t rub sideways, though!!!
It’ll make your foundation come off.
〈Contains serum ingredients〉
❤ Curbs shine and greasiness
❤ Conceals pores and textural irregularities
❤ Stays silky-smooth for hours, even when you’re wearing a mask! Long-lasting
洛杉磯深耕 24年, 北美最可信賴日系專賣總代理直營門市 高島生活館 TAKASHIMA
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