◆內含MOVING RUBBER,能創造彈力滿分造型,具有不限次數的重塑效能。
◆內含MOVING RUBBER,能創造彈力滿分造型,具有不限次數的重塑效能。
1. Scoop out a generous amount of wax (2 finger -sized) and rub well between palms.
2. Starting from back to front of head, run both hands through hair and shake hands wildly. Spreading wax through hair from front may result in excess wax to bangs.
3. Create movement by scrunching hair all over.
4. Inseting fingers into hair, smooth down sections of hair as desired. Lift hair roots around crown to create volume.
5. Tease bangs for definition. Pinch out hair at nape for additional movement.
Salon Advice: Create natural styles with glossy shine that appear random and to have movement.
Tease hair ends in different directions for movement but avoid overdoing to not lose that natural feel.
Blow dry hair before introducing product in direction you'd like to style hair for easier styling.
Teasing hair all in the same direction will make you look over-styled. Style in random directions for additional movement and for a soft, natural look.
Close lid tightly after each use.
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