沁涼淨化 乾爽無油光
先深入毛孔溶解洗淨 再持續吸收油脂 告別黏膩油光
肌膚舒適清爽 冰涼潔淨!
沁涼淨化 乾爽無油光
先深入毛孔溶解洗淨 再持續吸收油脂 告別黏膩油光
肌膚舒適清爽 冰涼潔淨!
1. After gently washing your face with water, squeeze about 2cm of facial wash onto your palm. (Washing your face at the beginning with water removes surface dirt, and reaxes the pores, increasing effectiveness of facial wash.) Spread facial wash gently over your palm, adding water, to work up a lather.
2. Gently massage lather onto face, covering all areas. Pay special attention to the T-zone (forehead to nose), sides of the face, hairline, and blackheads on the nose.
3. Wash off lather completely. (Leaving behind excess lather can result in acne. Pay attention to difficult to reach areas like hairline, sides of face, and around the ear.) Use a soft, clean towel to dab dry the face. (While drying the face, do not use force. Instead, focus on dabbing dry.)
Do not apply facial wash directly onto the face before lathering!
Working up a lather on your palms before application ensures full effectiveness of the facial wash. Directly applying facial wash onto the face before lathering may cause blocked pores, resulting in acne. Lather well first before use.
Do not use hot or cold water!
Water at room temperature is highly recommended. Hot water results in over-expansion of pores, stripping essential moisture in skin, thus resulting in drying. Cold water hinders effective lathring, and contracts pores, preventing deep cleansing.
Do not cleanse areas with acne hard!
Hard scrubbing of areas with acne may worsen acne, so do be gentle while cleansing. Remember also to use a clean towel when drying the face.
Do not cleanse area around the eye hard!
The areas around the eye are sensitiv
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