「肌飲」肌膚補水飲料!體驗肌膚喝飽水的柔嫩觸感。微分子膠原1000mg以上+螺旋膠原(面膜效果)!膠原果凍,賦予滿滿浸透潤澤。添加玻尿酸.西印度 櫻桃.蜂蜜,輕鬆打造完美膚質。無色素.無礦物油.質地溫和,適合一般及敏弱肌膚使用。浸透保濕型,雙重膠原處方,柔和天然花草香氛。
1) After washing your face, remove the mask from the pouch and apply on your face.
2) Make a cut on both side of cheek.
3) Take the lower part of the cutted area on the upper part to lift up your face.
4) Leave it on for 3-10 minutes. After removing the mask, massage your face using the remaining essence on your face.