BISON BabyPink輕透BB蜜粉餅( 01亮白)
BISON BabyPink輕透BB蜜粉餅( 01亮白)
Take an appropriate amount onto a puff, your skin and gently blend.
* Puff strongly press the amount of powder that many, or too irregular reddish powder, please note.
-Do not dispose of transparent film. Puff, please use on a transparent film.
-Please clean puff. And after dirty puff melted thin detergent in lukewarm water wash and rinsed well, shade.
-Please note, so may be tough and attaches to the clothing, etc..
-There were abnormalities in skin care, please use.
-While using the redness, itching, irritation, colors, etc. (Vitiligo) or if such as blackheads, discontinue use.
-Can be used when you have scars, eczema, skin on, do not. Please contact Dermatology specialist to so may exacerbate the symptoms and continue to use.
-Please note to keep out eyes. Rinse immediately if accidentally when the electrolyte.
-Keep to the reach of small children.
-Do not store in direct sunlight, extremely hot or cold location.
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