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Bison BabyPink 清透礦物BB霜 02-自然(20g )

02-自然(20g )

Bison BabyPink 清透礦物BB霜 02-自然(20g )

Bison BabyPinkBB霜曾獲同類產品COSME冠軍,在日本好評如潮。一支進化型多技能BB霜,保濕類化妝水,精華,面霜,UV防曬,妝前,遮瑕,粉底,散粉八效合一,妝感不强,質地很水潤,保濕效果好。完美對抗 毛孔、凹凸不平、脱妝、乾燥、暗沉等5大問题。豐富的美容液成分,潤澤保濕成分,緊致成分(金縷梅葉萃取,葡萄柚萃取),常保肌膚水嫩濕潤。實現如baby肌膚的透亮感,自然遮瑕力。配合具修飾效果成分,擁有讓人不自覺想撫摸光滑的臉蛋。防水不脫妝,不易泛油光,長效持久不脫妝。適合東方女性膚色的顯色,質地清爽延展性佳,修飾肌膚暗沉,讓肌膚充滿淨嫩透明感。防曬SPF44 PA+++ 用溫水就能輕鬆的卸掉。不含紫外線吸收劑。

After cleansing and toning your skin, small amount (Pearl) at your fingertips with little by little, from the center of the face outward, Hitoshi-to to be gently gently.

-Have seen this product smells fragrances and quality stabilizing agent for additive-free, raw material of specific problems in the quality.

-May come out moisturizing liquid introduction to blend into cream, please use.
-There were abnormalities in skin care, please use.
-While using the redness, itching, irritation, colors, etc. (Vitiligo) or if such as blackheads, discontinue use.
-Can be used when you have scars, eczema, skin on, do not. Please contact Dermatology specialist to so may exacerbate the symptoms and continue to use.
-Please note to keep out eyes. Rinse immediately if accidentally when the electrolyte.
-Keep to the reach of small children.
-Do not store in direct sunlight, extremely hot or cold location.
-After using the CAP tightly.
-Once used cosmetics continue use and reuse after a long time do not.

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