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cle de peau BEAUTE肌膚之鑰 光采絲緞無瑕膏 OCHER


作為局部粉底使用 SPF25.PA+++ 能有效遮蓋斑點、雀斑及眼周暗沉 創造美麗動人、更均勻的完美膚色。 質地奢華,質感綿密,自然地融入底妝,調整至適合的均一膚色。 修飾暗沉、斑點、修飾臉部瑕疵及不均勻膚色。 

使肌膚呈現平滑細緻的美麗妝感。 抵禦紫外線,保護肌膚。 新添加:光采明亮保養粉末 Illuminating Treatment Powder 長時間持續保濕,使肌膚長時間散發 明亮光采。

質地柔滑,易延展推勻,服貼力佳,易與原本膚色融合。打造輕薄自然妝容,修飾不均膚色、斑點、 黑眼圈等問題。 

— Thin Fit Layer Formula 質地綿密滋潤,質地能輕易推開,並具有高遮覆力。 遮飾眼周明顯細紋。 持妝效果佳,能長時間維持初完妝感。 棒狀設計,能輕鬆塗抹於各種肌膚表面,包含眼窩部位等難以塗勻的部位。 保養成分,添加:Rosa Fruit Extract 與 Green Tea Extract 使肌膚維持年輕美麗。 對肌膚溫和的穩定性配方。

於肌膚保養後或於底妝前打底使用。 將遮瑕棒轉開約一公分的長度(約莫半英寸),直接塗抹於想要修飾的臉部部位。再以指尖輕輕 推勻。 建議可搭配肌膚之鑰遮瑕刷(另售),加強遮瑕均勻度,已打造美麗均勻的底妝。 

Apply following skincare or the application of a pre-makeup base. Extend the product 1 cm (approximately 1/2 inch), and apply directly to desired areas. Blend gently with fingertips. Use of Clé de Peau Beauté concealer brush (sold separately) is recommended to enhance the application of concealer and achieve a more beautiful finish. Use to prime lips and eyes to keep lipstick and eye shadow looking fresh and vibrant throughout the day. Use to contour with one shade darker than your natural skin. Sweep underneath cheekbone from hair line to mid-cheek and under chin and blend edges to diffuse. Use to highlight with one shade lighter than your natural skin. Sweep under eyes, down the nose, on the Cupid's bow and high points of the face and blend edges to soften.

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