不需起泡就可以將肌膚徹底清潔 另外添加了水蜜桃神經醯胺等保濕成分
清除污垢和黑鼻毛孔,將肌膚徹底清潔 洗後帶有淡淡的蜜桃香
不需起泡就可以將肌膚徹底清潔 另外添加了水蜜桃神經醯胺等保濕成分
清除污垢和黑鼻毛孔,將肌膚徹底清潔 洗後帶有淡淡的蜜桃香
A type of face wash that does not foam. Take an appropriate amount (one cherry size) on the palm of your hand and stretch it until it fits on your entire face. After that, rinse well with water or lukewarm water. The heart grains inside will break during use. If it remains on the skin, rinse it off.
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