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Country & stream 植物性頭皮清潔(限量)


皮脂、汗水和未清洗的造型產品會導致粘性、纏結和異味。每週進行一次頭皮清潔,可徹底清除僅靠洗髮水無法清除的累積污垢。準備頭皮環境,使頭髮光滑乾淨。(可預防止癢, 頭皮屑等等)

  • ● 含有5種有機植物來源的保濕成分,滋潤肌膚
  • ● 含有積雪草提取物和桉樹葉提取物(保濕成分),調理肌膚
  • ● 使用 100% 香味精油放鬆心情
  • ● 弱酸性、無矽、無對羥基苯甲酸酯、無礦物油
  • Description of item

    Sebum, sweat, and unwashed styling products can cause stickiness, entanglement, and odor. Scalp cleansing once a week firmly removes accumulated dirt that cannot be removed with shampoo alone. Prepares the scalp environment and makes the hair smooth and clean.

    • ● Contains 5 types of organic plant-derived moisturizing ingredients that moisturize the skin
    • ● Contains Centella asiatica extract and eucalyptus leaf extract (moisturizing ingredient) to condition the skin
    • ● Relax your mood with 100% scented essential oil
    • ● Weakly acidic, silicon-free, paraben-free, mineral oil-free


  1. 用噴嘴的尖端畫一條線,在洗髮前塗抹在頭皮上。(估計:後腦勺垂直方向6條線,水平方向3個)
  2. 用指腹塗抹,朝頭頂均勻按摩皮膚。
  3. 當整個皮膚感覺神清氣爽時,徹底沖洗並洗髮,然後照常使用。

How to use

  1. Apply to the dry skin before shampoo by drawing a line with the tip of the nozzle. (Estimated: 6 in the vertical direction, 3 in the horizontal direction of the back of the head)
  2. Apply with the pad of your finger and massage the skin evenly toward the top of the head.
  3. When the entire skin feels refreshed, rinse thoroughly and shampoo and treat as usual.

Precautions for use

● Do not use if you have an abnormality on your skin. ● Carefully check that you have no abnormalities on your skin before using. ● Be careful not to get this in your eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with running water. ● Should you observe any abnormalities such as redness, swelling, itchiness, irritation, color loss (white spots etc.) and skin darkening, discontinue use and consult with our inquiries or a dermatologist. ● Do not store in direct sunlight, extremely hot or cold places, or in a place where children can reach.

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