- 超持久,不需補妝,不暈染,不會陷入脫妝暈染的尷尬場面
- 花漾美姬首次推出眼線液體調節技術
- 細緻柔滑,輕鬆掌控各式眼線妝容
- 0.1mm極細超柔軟彈力手紮筆頭
- 6種美容液成分,呵護眼部肌膚
- 亮澤顯色,眼眸深邃
- 40度溫水可卸
- 速乾
Shake well before use with a cap tightly closed.
1. Apply the liquid eyeliner along the lash line to fill in gaps between eyelashes.
2. Extend the line along the ye curve and move gradually upward to create 'cat-eye'.
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