- 清新香氛幫您遮蓋惱人的頭皮油味
- 凝膠型,使用方便不噴濺
- 小巧尺寸,方便攜帶
- 尖頭型噴頭,易於髮根使用
- 速乾、且不易於留白
1)不要一下子按壓太大力,一點一點慢慢擠出 2)擠出米粒大小,塗抹在頭髮根部 *請依照頭髮的長度及髮量來調整用量,若是擠太多,可能會變得太白或難以乾燥 3)透過摩擦頭髮將其塗抹在頭髮上 4)最後使用梳子梳順整理
1)不要一下子按壓太大力,一點一點慢慢擠出 2)擠出米粒大小,塗抹在頭髮根部 *請依照頭髮的長度及髮量來調整用量,若是擠太多,可能會變得太白或難以乾燥 3)透過摩擦頭髮將其塗抹在頭髮上 4)最後使用梳子梳順整理
1)不要一下子按壓太大力,一點一點慢慢擠出 2)擠出米粒大小,塗抹在頭髮根部 *請依照頭髮的長度及髮量來調整用量,若是擠太多,可能會變得太白或難以乾燥 3)透過摩擦頭髮將其塗抹在頭髮上 4)最後使用梳子梳順整理
① Do not push hard at once, but slowly push out little by little. Apply a gel of rice grain to azuki bean size to several places on the scalp and hair roots where stickiness is a concern. Apply little by little at first, and adjust the amount to your liking according to the length and amount of hair. * Please note that if you apply too much, it may become white or difficult to dry. (2) Apply it to the scalp and the root of the hair by using the pad of your finger. ③ Apply it to your hair as well. ④ Please arrange your hair with a handgrip or a brush.
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