"Spoon & Catcher"
that scoops up meals well and prevents spills It is a set of spoon and catcher devised so that children can eat well and enjoyably. You can use it for a long time as you grow.
A bear-shaped catcher is attached to the edge of the plate. If you scoop up the ingredients with a fish spoon and use it to feed bears, you can prevent the food from spilling out of the plate and scoop it well without spilling. The shape of the spoon is also non-slip and can be gripped firmly.
An animal-shaped catcher can be attached to the edge of the plate to prevent it from spilling out of the plate. It is a spoon of fish that you can hold firmly, and if you use it to feed animals, you can scoop it well without spilling. It can be used for a long time as your child grows from 5 to 6 months to 3 years old.
材質:スプーン:先端・中芯/ポリプロピレン 柄/熱可塑性エラストマー キャッチャー/シリコーンゴム
耐熱温度:スプーン/100℃ キャッチャー/200℃
サイズ:スプーン/約26×125×14mm キャッチャー/約83×55×24mm