- 纖長形,可直達杯底,清洗零死角
- 趣味可愛,魚造型曲線設計好握取
- 材質快乾耐用,充分起泡省洗碗精
3 layered fish sponge is easy to grip, quick-drying, and long-lasting. It also makes a foamy lather with small amount of detergent.
材質:スポンジ/ポリウレタン 不織布/ナイロン
3 layered fish sponge is easy to grip, quick-drying, and long-lasting. It also makes a foamy lather with small amount of detergent.
材質:スポンジ/ポリウレタン 不織布/ナイロン
* Do not place near fire or in places with high temperatures. * Please do not use it for any purpose other than its intended purpose. * Please do not use it for items that are easily damaged. * Please do not use chlorine bleach. * Do not use in hot water above 70 ° C. * The sponge may warp over time. * If the product is defective, we will replace it.
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