( 廚房浴室通用/菜瓜布/研磨粒子材質)
3層構造 /
- 日本製,三層構造易起泡、易去汙 .圓形好握取,
- 附吸盤
- 方便清潔碗碟、鍋碗 .附吸盤,掛著方便瀝水且不佔空間 .
- 材質快乾耐用,充分起泡省洗碗精
3 layered sponge with excellent durability makes a lather as well with detergent. Easy to store anywhere with a suction cup.
You can easily store it in the sink by attaching a suction cup to any place you like, such as around the sink, and snapping it into the hole in the sponge. Breathable and keeps the sponge clean. The sponge has a three-layer structure with excellent functionality, foaming and breathability.
- Material:
- Sponge / Polyurethane Non-woven fabric / Nylon Sucker / Vinyl chloride resin Heat resistant
- temperature: Sponge / 70 ℃ Sucker / 80 ℃ Load capacity: 1kg
- Size: Sponge / approx. φ91 x 35 mm Sucker / approx. φ72 x 53 mm
- Country of Origin: Japan