Sawaday香棒 Sawaday 香るStick
Why don't you start living with flowers and greenery?
"I want you to incorporate flowers and greens into your daily life." With that in mind, Hibiya Kadan proposes a lifestyle with flowers and greenery through flower shops and online shops nationwide. Just having flowers and greens will heal your heart, encourage conversations with the people there, and deepen the bond between people. Flowers and greens that play a role like such vitamins. Would you like to incorporate it into your daily life? It will surely bring you a warm and happy time.
[甜玫瑰] 以濃密而華麗的玫瑰為基調的花香型香味 一種花香般的香味,優雅的牡丹、微妙的鈴蘭和宜人的白麝香混合在一起,以玫瑰為中心。