[02]Sheer Orange LimitedColors
A translucent orange that blends in well with your skin for a sophisticated impression
3way Slim Eye Rouge Liner
輕透紅色眼線 營造自然粉嫩感
1/ 加深雙眼皮
2/ 修「色」眼底
塗抹於眼底位置,可以修飾眼底膚色,同時改善眼型輪廓。帶紅調的3way Slim Eye Rouge Liner能為你解決平日使用的液體修容產品令你看來蒼白、疲倦及顯老等問題。
3/ 打造卧蠶
- 極細刷頭,短小精悍,軟硬適中,令眼線筆更容易控制,
- 防水、防汗、防油脂及揉擦配方,從早到晚都保持亮麗。
Give eyes added warmth with this draw-on rouge that emphasizes eyelid folds, contours the under-eye area, and plumps eyelids.
Translucent rouge eyeliner ❤
■Contouring liquid eyeliner that you can use in 3 different ways.
Super-sheer red tones designed to create a real, natural-looking rosy glow.Reminiscent of diluted blood , the sheer red creates an exquisite rosy glow ❤
(1) Emphasize eyelid folds
Drawing a double line with this sheer red helps the rouge to blend in with the color of your eyeshadow and look natural!
(2) Contour the under-eye area
Using this sheer red for under-eye contouring enhances your complexion as well as your facial contours!
We recommend trying this sheer red if you find that conventional liquid contouring products make you look pale, tired, or old!
(3) Eyelid-plumping effect
Apply over the whole of the plumper part of the lower lids to achieve an eyelid-plumping effect.
No need for a dedicated under-eye contouring product—just apply this to make your under-eye area look plumper!
■Carefully designed ultra-slim brush
■Long-lasting finish