Open the lid.
Press the bottle and pour out the liquid up to the arrow line. (about 30ml).
Pour the liquid into the bath water (180~200L) and stir before taking a bath.
Tighten the lid after use and do not wash the measuring cap with water. Do not wash the measuring cap with water. Water in the bottle may cause the contents to separate.
In order to maintain moisture, it is recommended that you do not take a bath after use.
If you have any skin or constitutional problems, consult a doctor before use.
If you notice any skin rash, redness, itching, or irritation during or after use, discontinue use and consult a doctor.
If the undiluted solution gets into your eyes, rinse immediately.
Keep out of the reach of children.
This product is not a drink. Do not swallow by mistake. If a large amount is swallowed, give water or other treatment.
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