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CANMAKE 透亮美肌蜜粉餅 限定調色版Abloom 02 Sakura Tulle(US)

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Long-lasting luminosity Translucent skin with a soft matte finish.

【愛不釋手 絕贊產品】❤️ CANMAKE 透亮美肌蜜粉餅 限定調色版Abloom

  • 單獨使用時只需潔面產品卸淨
  • 限定!No.01 Dearest Bouquet 花漾色調為妝容添加絕佳透晰明亮感的5色潤色粉餅
  • 長效透晰 棉花糖般輕柔啞致的底妝呈現如棉花糖般輕柔、啞致的底妝效果
  • 在需要提亮的部位輕拍一層,即可達到持久透晰的妝效隱藏粗大毛孔及凹凸不平等面部瑕庇
  • 提供多重校正膚色功效的5色粉餅修正不均勻膚色,全日保持立體透亮妝效
  • 根據你想要的妝效來調整使用的份量吧 如果你喜歡明亮的膚色:整個粉餅大範圍打圈沾取
  • 如果你喜歡自然而透晰的膚色:沿著整個粉餅打半圈
  • ★第一次使用時,請先把粉撲對摺再揉搓,讓不同顏色的粉末混和在一起。
  • ★輕力拍上的話可塑造較柔和的妝效



☆過量使用容易導致厚粉問題,建議不要使用比平日使用原版Marshmallow Finish Powder時更多的份量。

防汗抗油 持久不脫妝


配方添加抗水成分 持久防汗



Brightens your complexion and keeps make-up looking fresh for hours.

Face powder for luminous, marshmallow-soft skin.

Long-lasting translucent, marshmallow-soft skin.

●Matte, marshmallow-soft finish.

●A single application to areas needing a luminosity boost provides long-lasting translucence.

●Blurs unevenness and conceals pores, giving skin a finely textured finish.

5 shades designed for a complexion-correcting effect.

●Corrects uneven color to leave your complexion looking brighter for hours.

Resistant to sweat and sebum, for superb staying power.

●Contains sebum-adsorbing powder to prevent the oils in your skin causing your make-up to run  (enhances shine resistance).

Contains 15 types of beautifying ingredients.

●Prevents skin from becoming rough, providing long-lasting protection against dryness.

Contains natural mineral ingredients—washes off with your usual face wash!

●No need to use a specialist cleanser to remove it. Your usual face wash is just fine. *When used without other make-up products.


●Achieve your desired finish by adjusting the amount of powder applied ❤
If you want a clearly brighter tone:
→ Swirl the puff in a full circle around the powder.
If you want a more natural, but brighter tone:
→ Swirl the puff in a half-circle around the powder

★When using for the first time, fold the puff in half and rub the two halves together to blend the different colors.
★Lightly patting the powder onto your skin will create a soft finish.

●You can use the colors separately, too.
We also recommend using your finger to pick up your desired color and apply it to the relevant area.

☆As using applying much can give your skin a powdery look, we recommend using less powder than you would with the ordinary Marshmallow Finish Powder.

●Achieve your desired finish by adjusting the amount of powder applied ❤
If you want a clearly brighter tone:
→ Swirl the puff in a full circle around the powder.
If you want a more natural, but brighter tone:
→ Swirl the puff in a half-circle around the powder

★When using for the first time, fold the puff in half and rub the two halves together to blend the different colors.
★Lightly patting the powder onto your skin will create a soft finish.

●You can use the colors separately, too.
We also recommend using your finger to pick up your desired color and apply it to the relevant area.

☆As using applying much can give your skin a powdery look, we recommend using less powder than you would with the ordinary Marshmallow Finish Powder.

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