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ABOUT 關於我們

Jcosme int'l inc. 代理 /批發部 Distribution

JCOSME INT'L INC.   【Agency & Marketing & Distribution】 

總公司 HQ -Agency & Distribution & Marketing & Retail

Tel: 909-598-7388     HR email: service@jcosmeusa.com Attn: HR Dept. 

19224 E.Walnut dr.N, Unit A, City of Industry,Ca 91748


Official Authorize Distribution & Agency & Marketing in U.S.A. 

全美唯一獨家正式受權 exclusive 代理商 x 行銷公司

BRAND: Over 40 Official BRAND X 2200 Items 

Since 2006. 專精 Official日本正式授權代理、經銷為數眾多日系化妝品牌,其中更是石澤研究及CANMAKE 其他流行品牌所於美國之獨家代理商,批發通路範圍佈及全美,希望將日系最新流行帶給全美,並滿足對於日系化妝品日益增大的需求。我們用心經營每個旗下的品牌,由規劃、區隔、行銷、銷售等,為各個品牌量身訂製最適合的策略,並把握產品每個重點環節,價錢控管..使產品能夠展現最大的優點,滿足客戶與市場的需求。

JCOSME INT'L Inc. / 代理.批發部

Japanese beauty solution  Distribution / Marketing Solution. for product information, please email us at following: 


Job Opening : 

Our place as the industry leader. The pace is fast, the learning is constant…but as part of a team this driven, the possibilities are endless.

Assistant General Manager 行政助理

Position Title: Assistant General Manager Full-time: Position Description: Jcosme int'l inc Assistant General Manager - Skill in P/O , import  & Overseas Communication, HR policies

Sales Manager 業務經理 

Assisting the Marketing Manager in Product Promotion and Sales Schemes.

Sales Rep 業務經銷- East Coast 美東  /  Middle 美中 / West Coast 美西 / Canda 加拿大

開發市場. 專注通路佈局及通路計劃執行細節. 

Assisting the marketing selection of Area in product promotion and sales schemes.


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